天啊,我的天啊,我的天啊。 一群人在一个小房间内演完所有戏,美到梦幻的飞船内饰/人物服装/vger星球的概念设计,探索发问的内核,对人性和未来的乐观简直让人动容,还有几乎完美的孩童一样的天真。宇宙的尽头是一堵墙,墙上有一扇门,而Jim Kirk知道他永远有办法打开那扇门。st就应该是一直对话一直发问的,完全是我最爱的科幻片的样子,幸福得死去活来。我知道我对st有很强的滤镜并且永远不会改。 2023/5/28
this film doesn't ruin 2001 for me or add anything to it at all either. 妈妈的朋友's become a nonsensical political & fantasy & thriller bullshit with all of its awful presentation. the script is so bad and cringy to the point that it's only disturbing. the environment doesn't feel like space anymore with the whole dozen-people-crew and awful CGIs. the whole narration and presentation are so out of place and laughable; and without Stanley Kubrick's direction, I don't really know the film's point of existence